As a cute anime character who guides us in the fantastic world, Paimon attracts, even seduces many players and fans of Genshin Impact, so far we got three types of Paimon hentai sex doll here: Timide Paimon with blush face, Gyate Paimon who smiles like an angel, and Ahegao Paimon who sounds illegal in certain countries.
And hence Paimon sex doll is one of our figure dolls who accumulates the most questions, many people worry about the legal issues, and other doubt if it looks as fine as in the pictures.
Here I will answer some typical questions about Paimon sex doll (click to the detail page!), you can also share your opinions of this doll in the commentary zone.
NOTE We will continue to update this article, if you don't find your question here, please tell us in the commentary and we will update it.
The crown of Paimon is detachable?
In many cases, yes, because actually the crown is glued on her head, even the ring of the crown itself is also the case, so if you receive your petite Paimon with the crown detached from her head, please don't worry, it's very common, you can use glue to reattach the pieces if you find it necessary (I know some people don't like seeing some "craters" on Paimon's head).
Can we replace Paimon's body with another one's?
NOT RECOMMANDED, some people might find it possible to force Paimon's head be installed on other's body (like Ganyu's), but the head won't fit well and you won't like it, as shown in the picture:

By the way, currently we have three figure sex dolls who share the same body: Boa, Snow Woman Mifuyu and Tsunade, their heads are surely interchangeable.
Is it legal to own a Paimon in my country?
From our experiences, I can tell you that it's safe to own a Paimon sex doll in United States, Canada and European countries in EU.
Unfortunately for British and Australian guys, according to what we have been told, the two countries have a law discouraging the import of Paimon style dolls (flat-chested, not mature looking).
Is Paimon a movable figure doll?
Yes she's movable, in fact almost the whole body is built with well articulation skeleton, you can move her arms around her shoulders, her legs around the groins, the knees, the elbows, she can also sit on her butt by turning her back to the orthogonal direction, so she's an absolute human-being if you have her in your room!
Paimon is built with movable joints or bendable wire?
The joints, like those action figures you can find in the market, but Paimon doll is covered by silicone materials, so you won't see any lines of joints, unlike those ball-joint dolls.
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